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Building history
The style of the Cathedral is Normandy Gothic, as preferred by its previous owners and inspired by Dunblane Cathedral.  Its architect, Jim Sellars, combined tall lancet windows, sturdy turrets and muscular buttresses in a powerful composition which closes the vista from Great Western Road.  A flight of steps leads to the entrance in a low arcade which joins the main building to the church hall which accommodates a school for Greek studies and dancing.

Once inside, the full power of Sellars' imagination and the present owners' commitment to the building's restoration is revealed in the interiors' marvelous display of Victorian stained glass (by Stephen Adam), the richly stenciled roof timbers and the original light fittings and furniture.  Complementing these is a modern iconostasi, by the late George Tombazis, featuring icons of the Eptanesian and Cretan Schools, some of which were painted on Mount Athos in the traditional Byzantine style.

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